October 25th 2018
Philanthropy Day
VI Edition
The sole event in Italy on effective philanthropy
The Tools for High-Impact Philanthropy
- Programme
- Speakers
- Insights
A whole day dedicated to the most innovative tools to make a new kind of philanthropy: diversified, global, collaborative and more business-like, focused on intervention and investment models to produce a measurable impact, both at an economic and social level. This is the Lang Philanthropy Day, this year at its fifth edition, the event on Strategic Philanthropy organized by Lang Italia. The event will take place on October 25th 2018 at Palazzo Clerici, an historical palace in the center of Milan, and will see the participation of international foundations end experts from all over the world.
During the day, the focus will be on main themes that are shaping the debate in Italy and abroad over the necessary evolution of philanthropy to go beyond short-term projects-support towards:
- Investing on the capacity and sustainability of non profit organizations
- Focusing on the results achieved by the organization rather than on its “overhead”
- Designing projects based on the Theory of Change that puts outcomes rather than outputs at the forefront
- Assessing the social impact that has been generated
- Choosing the right legal vehicle to achieve the philanthropic goals
- Defining the right mix of models (philanthropy or social investment)
Giulia Albano
Responsible for the management and development of "Cuore di Bimbi" Pediatric Cardiac Care Program, Mission Bambini
Giulia Albano, before graduating in International Relations and Human Rights, made several researches on children sponsorship social impact in Kenya, Uganda and Eritrea as a researcher and volunteer. After some experience as Project Manager in Italian NGOs, she started working in Mission Bambini Project Division (2012). Mission Bambini is an Italian foundation created in 2000 by Goffredo Modena to help children all over the world, giving them a better life through education, health and work placement programs. In recent years Giulia has been involved in education projects in Latin America and became Country Program Manager in Zimbabwe. She is currently responsible for the management and development of "Cuore di Bimbi" Pediatric Cardiac Care Program in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe, in partnership with local institutions from a capacity building perspective.
Michele Alessi Anghini
Vice-President, Alessi SpA
Michele started working at Alessi in 1975, after graduating in mechanic engineering, supporting for forty years his brother Alberto's relentless push toward innovation with his own constant work of integration and rationalization. Always passionate and motivated about the social role of the business, he thinks the true Social Responsibility of a company consists in performing its own core activity, i.e. producing economic value, creating products able to satisfy the needs of the people, organizing and appraising the concept of work - that is seen also as a development opportunity for a person. Since the beginning of 2016, he left the role of CEO to a manager, external to the family, taking on the non-operational position of Vice President. In 2015 he was named Cavaliere del Lavoro by the President of the Italian Republic.
Giuseppe Ambrosio
Coordinator of activities Lang, Secretary General Fondazione Lang Europe Onlus
Giuseppe Ambrosio, born in Taranto in 1971, has a Degree in Business Administration from L. Bocconi University. He has gained extensive experience in the development of active philanthropy while working for leading non-profit organizations and social enterprises (including Lega del Filo d'Oro, San Patrignano, Telefono Azzurro, CGM Consortium) and major Italian and multinational companies (TIM, Nike, Novartis, Intesa Sanpaolo, Philip Morris, UniCredit). He was Director of VITA Consulting (1996-2010), a CSR, Corporate Philanthropy and Fundraising consulting firm; then he was a Senior advisor for UniCredit Foundation and Philanthropic advisor for UniCredit private banking (2010-2018). In this role Giuseppe assisted several philanthropists and their families in outlining their funding programs in environmental, culture, social sector and in impact entrepreneurship (Social Impact Investment). Today he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Lang Italia Foundation and Secretary General of the Lang Europe Onlus Foundation.
Alberto Anfossi
Secretary General, Compagnia di San Paolo
Graduated and with a PhD in Physics at University and Politecnico di Torino, Alberto Anfossi began its career as post-doc researcher in the field of quantum statistical mechanics. After a Master in Economics at Collegio Carlo Alberto, he started working at Politecnico di Torino, INFN and Collegio Carlo Alberto, supporting research groups in catalyzing funds and managing funding. He joined VQR evaluations in 2004-2010 and 2011-2014 at "Agenzia Nazionale per la Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca" (ANVUR). In 2013 he joins Consorzio Compagnia di San Paolo Sistema Torino in charge of the Fund Raising area, becoming Director in 2016. In 2018, he takes on the role of Innovation Manager of Equiter s.p.a. Fondo Ricerca e Innovazione and Compagnia di San Paolo selects him as Direttore Sviluppo del Territorio to implement the 2017-2020 strategic plan. Since the 1st of August 2018, he is Secretary General of Compagnia di San Paolo.
Matteo Bartolomeo
CEO, Avanzi Impact Fund
With a degree in Economics, Matteo achieved an European Master in Environmental Management. After some years at Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, he partners in the creation of Avanzi where he is currently President. He is an expert in sustainable innovation, green economy, stakeholder management and corporate social responsibility. He is CEO of Make a Cube, the first Italian incubator focused on high-social and environmental impact startups. Matteo coordinates applied research and advisory projects for the European Commission, large companies and public administrations. He is lecturer at Politecnico di Milano in Economics of the Environment and Public Goods. Matteo is an evaluator for the European Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation of the European Commission.
Eric Berseth
Founder & Managing Partner – Executive Director, Philanthropy Advisors
After several years in finance and business development, Eric decided to dedicate the skills he acquired in the private sector to the humanitarian sector. He spent almost 10 years on emergency operations on the field with Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and then with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in acute crisis contexts such as the Congo (DRC), Uganda, Chad, Sudan (Darfur), Mozambique, Pakistan, Afghanistan or Haiti. Different missions have seen him at top management positions dealing mainly with project and team management, giving him crucial expertise in situational analysis, the setting up of intervention strategies, as well as in programme planning and execution. In 2011, he co-founded PHILANTHROPY ADVISORS, a consulting firm advising major donors (Wealthy Individuals, Companies, Foundations) in the fulfillment of their philanthropic aspirations, with the objective to build stronger and more impactful bridges between a growing more responsible major donor community and qualitative humanitarian and development actors.
Ingvild Bjornvold
Advisor, Leap Ambassadors Community
Ingvild Bjornvold is an advisor to the support team of the Leap Ambassadors Community, a community of 150+ nonprofit thought leaders, leader practitioners, progressive funders, policy makers, and instigators who believe mission and performance are inextricably linked. She helps nonprofits, funders, and consultants take advantage of resources to build strong, learning organizations that can produce positive outcomes on a sustained basis. Previously, she held several roles at performance management software company Social Solutions, helping organizations track and use data to support effective programming. Ingvild has worked for various nonprofit organizations, including Amnesty International in Oslo and Paris, as well as youth-serving and international development organizations in Washington, DC. She has an M.A. in Applied Anthropology from American University in Washington, DC.
John Canady
CEO, National Philanthropic Trust UK
John Canady is CEO of National Philanthropic Trust UK (NPT UK), a leading donor-advised fund. NPT UK is affiliated with National Philanthropic Trust, which is now the largest independent provider of donor-advised funds in the United States. Since its founding in 1996, National Philanthropic Trust has raised over $10 billion in charitable contributions and currently manages over $6 billion in charitable assets in donor-advised funds. John is a frequent author and speaker on philanthropic structures and trends. He was previously the Executive Director of Philanthropy at Charities Aid Foundation in London. John has also worked in the hedge fund industry, led corporate strategy for Eastern Europe at MasterCard, and served as a U.S. Foreign Service Office. John has a Master in Public Administration from Harvard Kennedy School.
Roberta Capella
Director, SOS Children's Villages Italy
Roberta Capella is the Director of SOS Children's Villages Italy since September 2016. With more than 20 years of experience in the sector, she has grown a strong experience in leading global organizations by guiding change processes and granting a longstanding growth in fundsraising. Before joining SOS Children's Villages Italy, she has been for 10 years the Fundraising and Communications Director of SOS Children’s Villages International, where she took care of the global image of the Organization and its strategic position, while developing the international fundraising strategy. Until 2016, she has been President of the International Fundraising Leadership Forum, a group of International Fundraising Director of some of the leading non profit organizations and United Nations.
Paolo Caroli
International Cooperation Expert
Paolo Caroli has been involved in development and international cooperation since 1983. In 1985, he was among the promoters and founders of the NGO ‘CESVI Cooperazione e Sviluppo’ and between 1986 and 2002 Director of CESVI with the responsibilities of planning, implementation and project follow-up in several parts of the world (Latin America, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe). Between 2002 and 2008, Paolo was the President of the consortium of NGOs UNA focusing on East African countries. By assuming the role of CESVI Vice-President between 2002 and 2006 he also acquired increased responsibilities in developing and enhancing relations with major international donors, while also representing the organisation at international forums. In the past ten years his work focused mainly on natural resources management and community and social development implementing projects and activities aiming to develop innovative approaches and schemes for Community Based Natural Resource Management, such as Public-Private-Community-Partnership (PPCP), transboundary resource management and community development and ecotourism development.
Maurizio Carrara
Board Member, Fondazione Lang Italia
With a degree in architecture at Politecnico di Milano, he has been working in international cooperation with the creation, together with other volunteers, of Cesvi-Cooperazione allo sviluppo, currently a charitable foundation, that he has led as president from 1985 to 2005. Within this role, he has been working on emergency and development projects in many countries in South America, Asia, Africa and Easter Europe. IN 2005, he becomes managing director or Società editoriale Vita-SpA, the editing branch of Vita non profit magazine, and Managing Director of Vitaconsulting srl. He gives up this role in 2010, when he joins Unicredit Foundation as President, focusing on supporting social enterprises in the countries where UniCredit Group has a presence, until 2018. He is currently President of the Steering Committee of Pio Albergo Trivulzio and President ad honorem of Cesvi Foundation.
Simone Castello
Head of Knowledge and Learning, Fondazione Lang Italia
Graduated at Bocconi University in Milan, Simone Castello is Head of the Lang Centre on Strategic Philanthropy and Philanthropy Advisor. He oversees the executive education and the publications of Fondazione Lang Italia. As Senior Consultant, his areas of expertise include: advisory to businesses and corporate foundations to set up giving strategies and employee engagement initiatives; advisory to foundations and charities for the definition of theory of change and capacity building plans; social impact assessment analysis. He is accustomed to work in Italian, English and French. Among his latest publications: Filantropia e Impact Investing per le esigenze degli High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI), published in "I portafogli di investimento nel private banking. La pianificazione di scelte ottimali", AIPB, 2018; Manuale operativo per la Theory of Change. Linee guida per gestire un workshop partecipativo di Teoria del Cambiamento e porre le basi per la valutazione dell’impatto sociale, Philanthropy Insights, 2017; Social Impact Investing: macrotrend e opportunità per i principali player, Itinerari Previdenziali e Assoprevidenza, 2017; Theory of Change e Valutazione dell'Impatto Sociale. Metodi e Case History, Philanthropy Insights, 2016.
Samuela Castellotti
European Partnership Manager, Mission Bambini
After graduating in Business and Administration, Samuela worked for some years in the profit sector as an Internal Audit Manager and Project Manager. In 2010, while travelling abroad as a volunteer, she came to a career change and got a Master's Degree in Project Management for International Cooperation from ASVI and an Advance Diploma in Fundraising from ISPI. In 2012, she started working for Mission Bambini, an Italian foundation created in 2000 by Goffredo Modena to help children all over the world, giving them a better life through education, health and work placement programs. After several years in the Foreign Projects Office, today Samuela is European Partnership Manager, with a special focus on NEET issue in Italy.
Maria Orejas – Chantelot
Director of Policy & Programmes, European Foundation Centre
Maria Orejas-Chantelot is the Director of Policy & Programmes and a member of the Leadership Team at the European Foundation Centre. The EFC is a Brussels-based international platform representing over 200 institutional foundations and corporate funders with a focus on Europe and an eye towards improving the global philanthropic landscape. Maria has held senior positions at international associations for more than a decade. At the EFC she currently manages a team of 12 and leads policies and programmes helping to increase the impact of member foundations and institutional funders through networking, best practice sharing and the provision of expert input into EU public policy-making. Maria has designed and implemented programmes addressing a variety of pressing social needs and societal issues, from vulnerable populations such as disabled people or Roma to environmental issues and scientific research. Maria is currently Board Member of Social Economy Europe, the voice of social business in the EU, Member of the Steering Committee of Community Living for Europe: Structural Funds Watch and Advisory Board Member of Belgium Play 4 Peace, an award-winning NGO. She is also a correspondent in Belgium for the Olbios Network. Before joining the EFC in 2009, Maria was Manager at a European trade association in Brussels and held project management positions in Paris at the International Chamber of Commerce and the French territorial competitiveness agency (DATAR), in charge of international projects. Maria started her career as a practising lawyer and is a Member of Madrid’s Bar. She graduated with a Law degree from the University of Oviedo (Spain) and the University of Aberystwyth (UK) in 1997, and she completed post graduate studies in European law at the University of Paris - Assas II (France) in 1999.
Guido Cisternino
Head of Third Sector and Civil Economy, UBI Banca
Guido Cisternino - Head of Third Sector and Civil Economy at UBI Banca, a commercial division looking at third sector bodies from both the laic and religious world, characterized by a breakthrough commercial approach, personalized to the branch even with reference to the banking and credit support to daily activity management, to planning and to social-impact driven investments, carried out also with the support of a team of specialists on the field. Recently, Cisternino collaborated with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies to the drawing up of the renewed Third Sector Code in matters of social finance, and he is member of Social Value Italia's Directive Board, an association which aims at promoting the culture and practice of social value assessment in Italy.
Giulia Corinaldi
Global Head of Programmes for TrustLaw, Thomson Reuters Foundation
Giulia joined the Thomson Reuters Foundation in 2018 as the Global Head of Programmes for TrustLaw. With over 15 years’ experience in the NGO and social enterprise sector, Giulia sets and manages TrustLaw’s global engagement strategy with NGOs, social enterprises and corporate foundations. She leads an exceptional team of programme managers around the world in developing impactful and innovative partnerships and projects. To sustain TrustLaw's exponential growth Giulia oversees the continuous innovation of the TrustLaw online platform, systems and model. She also supports the selection and management of the Actions made at the Trust Conference to ensure they achieve lasting change in the sector. Giulia is passionate about women’s empowerment, entrepreneurship and technology and has built global, high profile, cross-sector partnerships in each of these spaces. Before joining the Foundation, Giulia spent 6 years with the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, including a spell as Chief Executive Officer, and played a pivotal role in starting and growing a small not-for-profit start-up into a global brand. In 2016, Giulia also worked as a consultant for UNESCO and Kering Foundation in Paris. Giulia completed her Masters in International Development at SOAS and studied at Science-Po in Paris for a semester during her undergraduate studies at the University of Milano-Bicocca in Italy. She speaks fluent English, Italian, French and conversational Spanish.
Alberto Craici
Co-founder, Impact Alliance Fund
Born in Milan in 1962 and graduated at Università Bocconi, he works for more than 20 years in the private equity industry, first at the Divisione Merchant Banking of Mediocredito Lombardo, then at the Direzione Private Equity of Intesa Sanpaolo, then as equity partner in Alto Partners SGR S.p.A. and finally in Berrier Capital, as co-founder. For years he has been a member of Commissione Investitori Istituzionali of AIFI, he is a member of AIAF and of the Consiglio per le Relazioni between Italy and US, and speakers in manifold seminars on Private Equity and Venture Capital. He collaborates with Università Bocconi for the organization of the Start Up Day and he is among the founders of “Officina Dopo di Noi”, non profit committee fostering the identification, development and international exchange of good practices on the themes of disabilities. He is co-founder of Impact Alliance Fund, a impact investing fund currently raising resources.
Massimiliano D'Amico
Founder, BE-COME
Massimiliano D'Amico is the founder of BE-COME, advisory and investment firm working to deliver high-profile solutions for innovations and change promoters. A professional with both financial and legal skills, Massimiliano has accumulated more than 15 years of experience in the start-up financing through venture capital field, crowfunding and impact investing and recently joins, as coach and mentor, start-up competitions and acceleration programs in Italy and abroad. Before creating BE-COME, Massimiliano worked both as senior associate in the corporate department of Bird & Bird Milan, where he developed the venture capital and start-up practices, and as operating partner in 360 Capital Partner, an Italian-French venture capital fund. Massimiliano, registered lawyer in Milan since 2006, obtained a private equity master promoted by the Business School of Politecnico di Milano and Borsa Italiana. Beside the legal practice in Italy, Massimiliano has managed his family firm from 1996 to 2001. He is passionate of running, meditation and yoga.
Rodolfo Fracassi
Co-founder and Managing Director, MainStreet Partners
Rodolfo founded MainStreet Partners in 2008 to invest in businesses that generate a combination of financial returns and positive impact on society and the environment. Prior to this he served as an Executive Director at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, in charge of developing business opportunities with institutional investors, distributors and consultants across southern Europe. Rodolfo covered a similar position at Franklin Templeton Investments, co–heading the Italian institutional department. He also held positions at Salomon Smith Barney and started his career at the Italian Trade Commission in Hong Kong as market analyst. He graduated at Bocconi University in Milan. Rodolfo is a Chartered Financial Analyst, member of the UK CFA Society, member of the Italian advisory board to the G8 impact investment taskforce, and board member of Opes Foundation. A keen cyclist, he took a year off in 2007 to realize his dream of crossing South America by bicycle, from Quito in Ecuador to Ushuaia in Argentina across Peru, Bolivia and Chile.
Farrukh H. Khan
Senior Director of Business Development, Acumen
Farrukh H. Khan is Senior Director of Business Development at Acumen where he is responsible for business development and fundraising activities. Previously, Farrukh was the Country Director and CEO of Acumen Pakistan. He is the founding partner and former CEO of BMA Capital Management Limited. He is an experienced entrepreneur and a leading business and financial advisor who has advised on many landmark transactions, including Etisalat’s $2.6 billion acquisition of Pak Telecom. He is a member of the Young Presidents’ Organization and has served on various private and public sector boards. Farrukh qualified as a Chartered Accountant from the UK and received a BA (Hons.) in Economics and Finance from the University of Manchester.
Massimo Lapucci
Secretary General, Fondazione CRT
Massimo Lapucci is the Secretary General of Fondazione CRT, a foundation of banking origin based in Turin. He is also the Secretary General of Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita – CRT, a foundation primarily focused on venture philanthropy and impact investing. Since 2017, Massimo is Chair of the European Foundation Centre in Bruxelles, the network of institutional philanthropy which unites over 300 members from nearly 40 countries, including the USA. Massimo is also Managing Director of OGR, a former large industrial building in the heart of Turin recently reconverted into an innovative and experimental centre for contemporary culture, art, research and business acceleration. He has extensive international experience as a Board Member for public and private companies in various sectors and nonprofit organizations in the EU and the Americas. He is also Vice President of the Social Impact Agenda for Italy, a working group connected to the international Global Social Impact Investment Steering Group (GSG). Before assuming his current position with Fondazione CRT, Massimo was Investment Director for Sintonia SA, a holding company based in Luxembourg. From 2006 he is a World Fellow at Yale University, USA.
Dario Manigrasso
Deputy Director General, Fondazione SNAM
Graduated in Phisics at Università degli Studi di Milano, he begins his professional career in 1987. He joins Snam in 1996 in the Procurement Division as Responsible for Quality Assurance with the goal of updating qualify procedures and rationalizing inspection activities of suppliers. In 2009, he moves to the Division for Investment Projects of Snam Rete Gas as Project Manager of the North-East Project (based at Camisano Vicentino). In this role, he empowers his knowledge of the Operations sector. In 2013, he becomes Responsabile Project Control in Snam Rete Gas. The cross-cutting nature of his role allows hims to experiment the new societary structure of the Group and to acquire skills of the investments sector within all the Group Societies. From April 2014, he becomes Senior Vice President Supply Chain, supervising the delivery of services and granting the definition of standards, coordination and control. From March 2017 he collaborates to the creation of Fondazione SNAM, registered as Legal Entity at Prefettura di Milano in July 2017. From September 2017, he takes on the current role of Deputy Director General of Fondazione SNAM, to set its organization and activities, support the definition of its strategic position, and prepare and launch its first initiatives.
Dominique Lemaistre
Head of grant making activities, Fondation de France
Dominique Lemaistre started her career in 1984 as administrator of a photographs public order. 4 years later, she joined Fondation de France where, to begin with, she was in charge of communication. She then dedicated herself to philanthropy, first with the handling of charitable funds hosted by Fondation de France and later on, Fondation de France own programs. As Head of grant making activities, Dominique Lemaistre now supervises the activity of the 30 Fondation de France’s programs and the 841 charitable funds administered by Fondation de France. Serving philanthropy for more than 25 years has enabled Dominique Lemaistre to consider all the foundations and philanthropy stakes in France and Europe, through the very instructive and evolving context of the 1990’s up to today: relationship with private and corporate funders, governance, social expertise in the most various fields, legal and tax evolving rules. Dominique Lemaistre ensures representation of Foundations within the French instances of socially responsible economy and she is the chair of the Network European Foundations (NEF). Fondation de France was established in 1969 on the initiative of General De Gaulle and André Malraux to help individuals and companies to carry out philanthropic, cultural, environmental or scientific projects and social activities. In 2017, the foundation dedicated 175 million euros to social activities. It is a private non-profit organization recognized by the government as a charity working in the public interest. The foundation contributes to the development of philanthropy by enabling individuals or companies to create their own foundation under its aegis and to benefit from its advice on management.
Chiara Maria Lévêque
Program Manager, Fondazione Lang Italia
In Lang Italia Chiara is in charge of the projects related to the social impact evaluation, capacity building and sustainability for national and international clients. She usually works in Italian, French and English and knows Romanian. She developed a strong international network thanks to dozens of site visits in Europe and Africa and her previous working assignments as freelance and at the Milan Chamber of Commerce and at the Tunisian Export office in Italy. Chiara is a lecturer at the Catholic University of Milan and faculty member of the Executive Education promoted by the Study Center on Strategic Philanthropy. For 10 years she has been a volunteer for the Italian Red Cross with management roles at regional level, and has been cofounder and councillor for a charity working on international cooperation.
Lucia Martina
Secretary General, Fondazione Lang Italia
Secretary General of Fondazione Lang Italia since 2013, she manages the strategy and development of philanthropy advisory activities for grant-makers and philanthropists and the annual Lang Philanthropy Day. She began her career as and advisor on corporate social responsibility in 1997 at Gruppo Vita. She contributed to the creation of the first donor advised fund in Italy. For twenty years she has been a lecturer on corporate philanthropy and giving strategies for the community. She is member of the Advisory Board of Ashoka Italy and national councillor of Assifero. Graduated at Bocconi University, she was born in Milan in 1971.
Vincent Mudry
Managing Partner – Operation Director, Philanthropy Advisors
Vincent holds 10 years of management experience the emergency and humanitarian sector. After working in the Philippines and in Afghanistan, he joined Doctors Without Borders (MSF) for 5 years, working in Somalia, Congo (DRC), Sudan (Darfur), Ethiopia, Kenya, Niger and Guinea Bissau. He then worked 2 and a half years in Paris for the French branch of Caritas (Secours Catholique) as emergency program manager. His responsibilities included: design of intervention strategies, monitoring and evaluation of projects, impact assessment and follow-up of missions in Congo, Sudan, Kenya and Haiti. In charge of team and project coordination and management, he sharpened his analytical and diplomatic skills and enhanced his abilities to design, plan and follow up complex programs. On the side, Vincent shares his professional experience and skills being a lecturer for different universities and institutions. Director of Operations at Philanthropy Advisors, Vincent oversees programs design, monitoring and evaluations and all missions on the field.
Susanna Pietra
Manager at Otto per Mille Office, Chiesa Valdese
Since 2013, Susanna Pietra has been manager at the Chiesa Valdese's Otto per Mille Office, one of the most important donors in Italy which selects and funds hundreds of social, welfare and international cooperation projects annually. Expert in project cycle management and development cooperation, as a director she deals in specific with analysis, assessment and monitoring activities planning of the initiatives funded. Moreover, she oversees public relations with public administrations and private companies in Italy and abroad. She travels a lot in Africa and Middle East in order to cultivate new partnerships and to monitor the projects funded. She worked for the Italian Development Aid Agency in Tunisia, and for Formez as Italian public administrative advisor in decentralized cooperation in Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro. She graduated in Politics Science and obtained two Masters in diplomatic studies and human rights.
Andrew Ratcliffe
CEO, Impetus - The Private Equity Foundation
Andy joined Impetus-PEF as Chief Executive in 2016. His career has focused on two issues: tackling poverty and educational disadvantage; and making government work better. As Deputy Chief Executive of the Africa Governance Initiative he helped build a global charity working with African governments to strengthen their capacity to tackle deep-rooted poverty. Before that as Senior Policy Adviser for Education in the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit he developed government policy on social mobility, secondary schools and skills for 14 to 19 year olds. And before that he worked for the Social Policy Department at Oxford University developing measures of neighbourhood poverty and educational disadvantage in the UK and South Africa. Andy has an MA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics and an MSc in Comparative Social Policy both from Oxford University.
Tiziano Tazzi
President, Fondazione Lang Italia
Founder and President of AMI Trustee, Tiziano Tazzi has worked for thirty years as a manager in the financial and banking sector. He graduates in 1977 at Bocconi University and subsequently achieves an MBA at SDA bocconi. In 1982 he joind Citibank, then enters Eptaconsors as M&A Director in 1985. In 1987 he joins the BNL Group as Director of the Participatory Service. From 1995 to 1999 he is Director of Planning and Organizational Development in BNL Investments SIM, leaving it to found Natam SpA, an Internet start-up specialized in systems of data analysis and comparison. In 2010 he creates AMI Trustee, specialized in the management of internal trusts, and becomes trustee of the Lang Trust (internal non profit trust) that in 2011 gave birth to Fondazione Lang Italia.
Claudio Vanni
Member of the Board of Directors, "Il Cuore si Scioglie ONLUS" Foundation
His career started in Unicoop Florence in 1979. Claudio is Director of External Relations and Assistant to the President of the Security Board. He has responsibility for communication and for the cultural activities offered to the over 1 million members of the Cooperativa. He is Director of "Informatore", a monthly publication about consumption, culture, the territory and free time for Unicoop Florence members, distributed for over 570,000 copies monthly. During his career in Unicoop Florence, he promoted several cultural initiatives that involved local and national institutions, such as the crowd funding organization for the renovation of the Battistero of Florence. He is member of the Board of Directors of "Il Cuore si Scioglie ONLUS" Foundation, a non-profit organization the aim of which is to promote solidarity not only in developing countries but also in Italy. Claudio was given the task of creating the Foundation back in 2010 and he is responsible of the bulk of its major activities even now. His role is to scout and manage national and international projects.
Joanna Walker
Head of Private Clients, Charities Aid Foundation
Joanna has spent the last twenty years building a career in finance and philanthropy. Her passion is working with clients to help them realise their philanthropic goals; giving as much as they can, whilst having the greatest impact on social good. Joanna's experience embraces international banking with UBS Wealth Management in London and Dubai, and fundraising for some of the UK's most exciting charities: Impetus-the Private Equity Foundation, The Brooke and Forum for the Future. She holds a degree in Geography from the University of Manchester and qualifications in both finance and fundraising.
Unveiling Philanthropy: what it takes to produce meaningful social change
Philanthropy is a risky business and most initiatives, when rigorously tested, do not prove effective. Our interview with Andy Ratcliffe, CEO of Impetus – The Private Equity Foundation (Impetus-PEF), shows the way to funders to define their impact models in the search of greater effectiveness
Massimo Lapucci, President EFC - European Foundation Centre, discloses some contents of his keynote at Lang VI Philanthropy Day.
Philanthropy Day
VI Edition
October 25th 2018
Programma (pdf)Subscription
- Registration: 190 euro + VAT
- Early bird until September 14: 150 euro + VAT
Palazzo Clerici Via Clerici 5 - Milan