Philanthropy Comes of Age 2018
Philanthropy Comes of Age 2018 is a new report released by CAF that shows the continued rise of donor advised funds in the UK, with £500m of new contributions to charitable funds in 2016/17 and a projected £1billion in contributions by 2025/26.
Document sourceKEY FINDINGS
- Donor advised giving funds in the UK continue to grow significantly
- Contributions into donor advised giving funds reached a new high of over £495 million in 2016/17, having grown by 33% since the previous year
- Grants made from donor advised giving funds to charities grew to over £331 million in 2016/17
- Charitable assets under management continues to exceed £1billion, with a 24% increase from 2015/16
- We are projecting that contributions to donor advised giving funds should reach £1 billion in the UK by 2025